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Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition

Dec 28, 2023

Before Dr. Jockers got into natural health, he used to think that these 5 foods were healthy and he used to eat a lot of them. In fact, they contained a lot of hidden processed sugars, chemicals, and seed oils that drive up inflammation!


Learn about how much sugar there is in a smoothie and why it's so harmful for...

Dec 26, 2023

We know that autoimmune diseases are skyrocketing (things like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, to name just two)! And so today's guest is thought leader Dr. Tiffany Caplan – here to talk about food sensitivities, leaky gut, and how they are related to the increase we're witnessing in autoimmune diseases. 



Dec 21, 2023

Jane Hogan from the 'Wellness By Design' podcast is interviewing Dr. Jockers today and he's sharing with us his Advanced Nutrition Strategies to Reduce Inflammation and Pain. 


Autophagy, fasting, and balancing neurotransmitters in the brain are all covered by our favorite Functional Nutrionist!


Learn Dr. Jockers's...

Dec 19, 2023

Are you dealing with anxiety? Or perhaps you know a family member who is struggling with it? Anxiety is certainly on the rise in our society and today Dr. Jockers has sought the guidance of a firm show favorite, Trudy Scott, to shed some light on the role that amino acids can play in alleviating symptoms of anxiety as...

Dec 14, 2023

What are the healing benefits of olive oil? And how do we know that we are getting the good stuff for our bodies? If you're in the market for olive oil, you want it to be extra virgin olive oil for starters. It's not called nature's Ibuprofen for nothing!


You want it to come in a dark glass bottle ideally and you want...